Monday, June 06, 2005

Yurt The Best

Bridgette and Dave flew in from St. Louis on Thursday for their second visit to Seattle. Due to popular demand, we headed back to the San Juan Islands, Orcas Island to be specific, for a weekend of relaxation out in the wilderness....and trepidation.

Trepidation because:
.....I never know if I will end a weekend of camping a million times more tired than I started due to total and complete sleep deprivation.

.....I may wake up with a searing old-lady pain in my neck or my back or my leg in the middle of the night due to a root or rock that prevents me from returning to even the briefest spell of REM sleep before sunrise.

.....It might pour rain or blow a gale at the very instant I have to a) set up the tent or b) go pee or c) fall asleep or d) actually stand upright and not be crouched down in a 7 foot by 5 foot by 4 foot nylon coffin.

I do like camping. I really do. It's just that there are a lot of unknowns with camping and I like to know my knowns. So I've struggled, specifically with the issue of sleep and not getting any. Until now. It's all changed because I have met YURT .

Let me introduce you to YURT : he has a floor made of wood, a door made of wood and metal, and walls made of a wooden lattice-work support with a tarp thing stretched around it. He has a little skylight, he has windows (actually plastic flaps that velcro up or down) and he has a lock on aforementioned door. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, YURT has a bed. With sheets. And pillows. And an actual blanket(s)!!

Restful, comfortable, uninterupted, lower-back-supported sleep actually happens while one is surrounded by the beauty and solitude of nature.

Where have you been all my life? YURT, yurt the best.

(No, he does not have running water or a toilet. Don't get greedy. Book a HoJo.)

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