Thursday, July 21, 2005

Happy Birthday

I read this today on The author reminisced about her wonderful birthday last year and apparently Mason Jennings came to mind. The post was titled "The Past Is Beautiful Like The Darkness Between The Fireflies."

It's such a beautiful thought. And to everything there is an opposite. Yin. Yang. At least that's what I learned in yoga.

Did anyone every write a song about how:
"The Past Is UGLY Like The ________ Between The ________. ?"
Maybe it could go a little something like this:

1. Hollow spaces / Yellow Austin Powers teeth that you think are funny
2. Moldy soapscum / Tiles in a frat house shower
3. Permanent fat / Upper inner thighs
4. Vacuous space / Ears of an Arizona State co-ed
5. Glock / Mattress and boxspring
6. Jealously / Planned-birth sibling and the byproduct-of-a-drunken-one-night-stand-sibling
7. Memory of finding you / Sheets with Daisy the Nanny (Jude Law's poor kid...)
8. Serious scene in Coyote Ugly / Stripper pole dancing scenes in Coyote Ugly
9. Faded eagle tattoo / Boobs of a 43-year-old biker chick
10. Hair / Hairy-er butt cheeks of your ass

Birthdays are weird and only a select few (Okay, one...) has been beautiful like the darkness between the fireflies. I have a mix of greats, goods, okays, and one big fat shitty one that took the cake (Oh. Wait. There was no cake. Reason #47 why that birthday sucked.) when it comes to fueling the "Fuck stupid birthdays, it's just another day and I am getting too old to celebrate me being one day closer to dying" theory.

My fabulous friend Anna in the nyc had her birthday on Wednesday and said that she was going to use the occasion to quietly celebrate closing the door on the year that's past. I love that idea. Anna, you've gone through amazing change and have come out the other side smarter, stronger, and totally HOTTER than you were before. You listen, you really really listen to me. You're not afraid to say the hard things to me. You are an amazing friend to me. Thank you. I love you and happy birthday, Bling-bling.

People say "look forward" and "move ahead" and "onward and upward". But really the idea of taking a day to look back and pay homage to the past is honest and deserved. Now, one could argue that that is what New Years Eve is for, but we all know it's really more about the confetti and champagne and making out at midnight, right? I like the idea of looking back and giving props to the good, the bad and the ugly of the last year. While you can't drive a car looking in the rear view mirror, you sure as hell can use it to put your lipstick on and make sure your hair looks okay.

I think at my next birthday I will look back. Maybe I will see that the past is beautiful like the darkness between the fireflies. Or, since I am a girl from hot and humid New Jersey, maybe I will see the darkness between the mosquitos or green flies. Either way, I hope it will be nice.

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