Tuesday, July 05, 2005

No Repeating

I watched Sex And The City's last episode tonight. Again. For the third time. (Thank you for lending me the DVD's Steph!) The girls talk about NYC being the fifth lady of the show. I get that. But I've always thought that one of the most significant characters in the show were the CLOTHES. The shoes the coats the dresses the purses. Yum!

Patricia Field is the series stylist and she is amazing. She is interviewed in the bonus materials on the dvd and was explaining how she adamantly prevents any repeating of outfits or accessories. If it's worn once, it won't be seen again. Final. She said if the stories don't repeat, WHY should the clothes. "No repeating...I mean, why would I do that?"

I repeat: "No repeating...I mean, why would I do that?"

It made me think about things, things that have nothing to do with clothes or how many times a week I wear my favorite jeans to work (average: twice). It made me think about how many times do I repeat the same behavior over and over and for some reason expect a different outcome? Order the same mediocre sandwich from the same lame deli? Say hello to the bitchy girl who just never says HI back? Converse with a person that I know will cut me off? Again. And again.

I mean, why would I do that? Why DO I do that?

My dad says: "Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived." It would be so awesome to have just a fraction of the cool clothes that the SATC ladies do. Since that will never happen, maybe I should consider adopting the code by which the clothes live.

No repeating. And I think this time I'm only going to say it once.

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