Thursday, July 28, 2005

Just The Way It Is

Last night at the Woodland Park Zoo we saw Bruce Hornsby. I wasn't sure what to expect as I would never have categorized myself as a Bruce Hornsby fan. Ever. In fact, I might have made a little bit of fun of him. Sorry Bruce. You are one cool (albeit middle-aged) rocker and I'm really glad we went to see you.

I like the way it is...

...Beautiful in Seattle in the summertime with perfect crytal clear skies and the nights like this one where the sun is still so strong that I feel like I am getting sunburnt on the back of my neck and it is 7:45 pm.

...Honest for 'ole Bruce to admit to selling out to the man when he liscensed one of his songs to Lowe's Home Improvement Store.

...Mesmerizing to zone out to really good music where you're thinking about everything at once and nothing at all while the bass player gets crazy while covering Comfortably Numb.

...Totally fucking righteous that the whole crowd stood up in solidarity when a woman in the front row 5 feet away from us was ALMOST THROWN OUT FOR DANCING. Yes, we were all in Bomont for a brief moment. She danced beyond the sacred orange cone, pompous Boss Hogg cop radio-ed for back-up (no joke) and she was brusquely accosted by 2 police officers and about to be escorted out FOR DANCING AT A BRUCE HORNSBY CONCERT. C'mon now...mosh pit, this was not. Appalled and about to get rowdy, the entire lawn stood up, started to dance and jump around and ignore the silly men in uniform and their silly pointless rules. And then Bruce called HER, the dancing witch who almost burned at the stake, up on stage. Who knew that at a Bruce Hornsby concert, NWA would come to mind and I would merrily yell this?

... STILL naughty and fun to sneak in alcohol to outdoor concerts, to surreptitiously pour the rose wine out of my Nalgene water bottle into a paper cup 10 feet away from Boss Hogg cop, and to know that that's just the way it is, I guess some things will never change because I was doing the same damn thing 13 years ago.

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