Sunday, October 02, 2005

I Can't Decide

General indecision is an affliction that I struggle with and, sad to say, oft times it's over the most mundane of life's foibles. Flip-flops or mules? Lifetime or FX? How many rolls of toilet paper in the bulk wrapped package is just the right number to buy - 4, 8, 12 or 36? Oh, and then: Double 2-ply or regular? It never ends!

I have found a solution and it just may be the most grand invention ever. I partook in THE RAVIOLI SAMPLER PLATE this weekend and realized that what is really just the next vexing culinary quandary has morphed into the gastronomical equivalent of a party in your pants. Five pillows of pasta heaven, each with it's own special little filling tucked inside a doughy cocoon of goodness. Let me count the ways I love thee: 4 cheese, spinach, wild mushroom, sirloin steak, and butternut squash.

SAMPLER, I am yours.

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