Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Hi. I'm Mildly Retarded

I've just found out that the cardigan sweater that I have been wearing for the last 5 hours today has had a 6 inch tall by 1 inch wide tag on it. All day. I've been wearing a huge sticker over my left breast for 5 hours and no one told me!

I was informed of this horrible oversight in the elevator going to lunch and I'm pleased to say that there were two other humans there to witness my embarrassment. It would have been a shameful waste if it had just been me and one other person discovering this stupid move, now wouldn't it?

So now not only is it known that my cute little Marc Jacobs knock-off is from Old Navy but also that it is an XL.

Jesus christ. I am cheap and I am a linebacker. And don't forget, mildly retarded too.

If I start wearing my bra over my shirt, COULD SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME?

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