Astrology is for real. Really.
Was on the phone today reflecting with my best friend about how crazy it is that I, one of her most trusted most close friends in the world, am the same astrological sign as the dissappointing fuckwit of a man that she's been hooking up with and been frustrated by for the better part of the last year. How can these two Aquarians, me and him, share this amazingly strong and impactful connection with the same great woman, yet mine and hers is so positive and his and hers is so dramatically and profoundly negative?Then she read aloud a few lines from Astrology for Dummies about a new friend of mine.
Her: "....retentive Libras may be prone to urinary tract infections or constipation, so relectant are they to really let anything out in the open."
Me: "Oh. my. god. He really is full of shit."
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