Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Say My Name Bitch

My friend Anna had a talk with a woman at her credit card company today. It went a little somethin' like this:

Anna: "Hi, I need to order a new credit card because the numbers on the back are all smeared off, and I can't order things online anymore."

Her: "No problem, Ms. Marshell. We can take care of that."

Anna: "Great! While you're at it, can we correct the typo on my card? It currently says my first name is 'KIMBERLYANNA' -- all one word -- and, actually, that's my first name and my middle name together."

Her: "Sure, Ms. Marshell. But first you'll have to send us proof of the name change."

Anna: "Oh, huh. But I haven't changed my name. It's a typo. And it confuses people sometimes."

Her: "Well I can only change your name if I get proof of the name change."

Anna: "But my name never was KIMBERLYANNA."

Her: "Oh, you know, I wonder if there were just too many letters. Let's try it...yep! It automatically puts them together because there are too many letters to fit on the card." I guess she didn't need proof to change it after all!

Anna: "Oh. Well in that case, maybe we could just have the card say, 'K ANNA MARSHALL' or 'ANNA MARSHELL.' I use my middle name."

Her: "Well, that would be a name change. We'd need proof of the change."

Anna: "But it wouldn't be a name change, just a different representation of my name. What's on the card now is an interpretation of my name."

Her: "We'd still need proof of the name change."

Anna: "My name hasn't changed."

Her: "We'd need proof."

Anna: "Just send me the KIMBERLYANNA card, please."

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