Friday, November 18, 2005


Last night I saw Warren Miller's new movie Higher Ground at McCaw Hall. Overall movie rating: rad. Overall experience rating: indignant annoyance. I've never been to one of the large screen extravaganza showings of a Miller movie and was really excited for the new experience. A few things struck me:

- As scared shitless as I am of breaking a leg in Whistler, I can not wait to throw myself down the mountain. (That's one thing about watching people do something really well - it makes you think you can too. I am such a fool.)

- Snowboarders? Yeah. As a general rule, they are hot.

- Warren Miller is a corporate sellout whore. A CORPORATE SELLOUT WHORE! If he, and in turn his movies, are really supposed to represent the rebel spirit that embodies the power of the powder and the mountain and catching of gnarly air and all that, then why the hell were we the audience being goaded into clapping for Nature Valley Granola bars? Jeep? Grand Marnier?

Why was an emcee named - get this shit - Flex McGaw harassing us to applaud for everything from "Let's hear it for our sponsors" to "Let's hear it AGAIN for our sponsors" to "Can I get a shout out for our sponsors?!" SPONSORS? You know who the sponsors are? Me. And my friends. I think Flex and Warren forgot that each of the ~2000 people paid upwards of $20 to support the show so guess what that makes us? We are our own damn sponsors.

Bravo. Way to support the arts. Now go buy an SUV.

After what should have been the 15 minute intermission - which got hijacked and turned into a 40 minute infomercial for ski equipment - me and my peeps had had it. We left. Time to go to the lodge I mean bar. Guess I will have to catch the rest of Higher Ground on dvd.

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